Sunday, January 24, 2016


We Serve at the methodist church  babysitting for Mops 2 times a month. Young mothers from the community come and we tend  their children while they have a class on ideas for raising children, do a craft, learn a skill etc. (Sound like R.S. night right).  Anyway they had a thank you tea party to thank use for babysitting. 
We are the babysitters

 The ladies over Mops.

Saturday, January 9, 2016


I am just starting to understand a little about  Facebook.  My companion showed me what to do with the little numbers that show up, so if you have wondered why I  have not responded to  any of your messages until now that is why. As most of you know I am not into technology but since coming on a mission I feel I need too. It is àll so because of time I just do not have that much time to be on or learn. After going through some Facebook message  I thought how carefully we need to be. We must remember what we post the whole world can see. The 13 artitcle of faith says (We believe in being honest , true, chaste, benevolent,  virtuous,  and doing good to all men...    So when we post something that we like except for this one thing the world then can and  seems to believe you like and except all in that post. So as away we need to be so careful for the  world is ever watching.
I just had a couple over for dinner that said she had a friend that was a  mormon and would hide her coffee pot in the oven when others came over. Not when this lady came since she shared a cup of coffee with her. The message this sent to the lady  that came to dinner  does not help in the honesty department. We are always teaching but we need to be so careful with what we are really  teaching because we tend to  justify what we do because we think it is was mostly a good posting.
We are truly in a time that we can not be a fence straddler on any subject we need to be firm in truth and right. Some times this is easier said than done. In the world right now so many wrongs are presented as right and just, we truly need to follow the prophet.

Friday, January 8, 2016


This is our district before Elder Stevens went home. Sister Cochrane went Home for a Grandsons wedding so she is not in the picture. In the back left to right is: Elder Cowden, Elder Mitchel (District leader), Elder Lemon.  Front row left to right  Sister Tims,  Sister Hocks, Sister Nielsen and Elder Stevens.


Elder Steven on the left is going home on Jan.1,  2016 to get into school a couple of weeks before transfers. Elder Cowden will be without a companion so he will be going as a three some with the Emporia Elders. Until the week of the 20 of Jan. when he will get a new companion.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Belated Christmas Letter 2015

Dear Family and Friends,
Sorry but this is my belated Christmas letter. I will put it on my blog also. Hopefully all that want will be able to read it.
 Truly this year has been an adventure and busy year full of changes and joy. In Feb. Jessie and Ashlee got two boys one year apart Dean and Levi from social service. By July they where theirs and sealed to them for time and all eternity in the temple. Also Chris and Jill had Tate a week before I went into the MTC for my mission to Burlington Kansas.
Burlington is a wonderful little town with very service orientated people. Even though we serve in the Elementary School, Hospital, Mops, etc. for free so does many people from the community. It’s not just one time thing either for them, it is weekly.
I have enjoyed my mission so far very much. There is no two days the same and it is always fun to see what the next hour will bring. Below is one example:
We had went around our neighborhood about a month after being on our mission and took a plate of cookies and introduced our self’s. Then at Christmas time I went by myself with a gift because my companion went home for a wedding. Any way my neighbor Jeanette came over a couple of days later with a Christmas card with their phone # written on it so we could call. I had a lovely visit when she stopped by with the card. She told me about her son that had taken his life. She was the one that found him dead the next day. She said she cannot get that picture of finding him out of her mind. She said she has night nights and after all this time it is not any easier. Then she looked at me and asked if it was any easier for me, she knew I had lost my son. I told her that I was fine and said in our church we believe that we will be together as families after we die, so we know we will be with our loved ones again. She said she wanted use to visit whenever we could and I said for her to also visit us.
Monday we had our neighbors Jeanette and Bernie over for dinner she said on the phone she would like to learn a little about our church. I felt Heavenly Father had hand delivered this couple to us. It was a delightful time during dinner getting to know about their lives. Then we sat in the living room and Jeanette asked me to tell her about out church I cover just about everything from the pre existence to Joseph Smith.  I had said our church was the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saint. About the time I talked about Joseph Smith she lost interest. She said she knew about the Mormons and even though I kept share I could tell she was not interested. But I feel her husband was. Then she told me she was saved and in the Pen costal church. Her husband proudly shared she had even talked in tongues.  She said she love the music in her church and enjoy the excitement (I am not sure if revival is the word I should use) but she could stay for hour and hours. It wasn’t long after that, that they left, but we said we would have them over again. I was discouraged for a minute but then I realized this is in Gods hand and things that are imposable with man are possible with God. It truly is in his hand so we will see what the future holds.
Anyway we have met many people that have children or husbands that have died and are having a difficult time dealing with it. I am so grateful that I know we can have our families forever what a wonderful blessing this is. I am so grateful for all our church blesses use to know and understand. How I love my Father in Heaven and his son and my Savior Jesus Christ.
I wish all of you the very Happiest of New years. May the Lord be with you.
                                                                                                      With all my love,

                                                                                                         Mom, Paula, and Sister Nielsen

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Santa &Mrs Claus

A  couple of nights before Christmas Santa and Mrs Claus came to visit me.  Santa and Mrs Claus was visiting all the widow around town. This wonderful couple is serving every where and everyone they truly have Christ like love for others. They feed the missionary's almost every Sunday including us. Brother Hazlett is the branch mission President but a few years ago was the Branch President. The Hazlett's are thinking of going on a mission they would be great. They had the elders stay in there basement for a while also. This is the couple that had a Bear, lion, camel, and other animals (they where their pets) in there yard for about ten years and people would hear about it and come and see the animals.  I have enjoyed getting to know this wonderful couple that have had many  trials and heart aches in there lives but always trust in the Lord. They have also had a lot of fun as a couple they are full of fun.