Monday, November 23, 2015


It is close to Thanksgiving and I would be very sad if you did not know how much I love each one of you. If you are someone that is reading this blog then you should know I love and care for  you very much. I am so grateful that our Father in Heaven allowed us to have families and friends that we can be with for ever if we live worthy to, what a blessing this is to me.  There are so many family and friends I love with all my heart I thank the lord for each one of you. I also have many dear friends here in Burlington and surrounding towns.
I am also so grateful for my Loving Father in Heaven and my older brother and Savor and the Holy Ghost there are no words to truly express my love for them and gratitude for all they have done for me.
I am very grateful to have the opportunity to come on this mission to have the Holy Ghost help me in so many ways it is amazing.
I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and pray that you will all stay close to the Lord. Remember to always ask what would Jesus do.
                                                                                                  With all my love,
                                                                                                       Sister Nielsen,
                                                                                                         Mom and or Paula


A new members (Melinda) Grandma and twin sister decided in there 80's to have a Barbie and More collection. They have it in the basemanet of an old church.

Any way you get the idea this is only a few of the dolls. These two sister has got some dolls that have never been out of the boxes. Others they have found or bought at a garage sale, there are dolls they have made clothes for, others they have made arms or eyes for. There are to many dolls to ever show all of them. But this should give you the a small glimpes of what they have . 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Chiggers and other things

Chiggers, tree mites, fleas oh my! In the wizard of Oz Dorthy says: lions and tigers and bears oh my! I hear they do have a yellow brick road but I have not been to the town that has it. Nor have I seen lions or tigers or bears but then she was not in Kansas at that point in the movie. Any way my first statement is something we do encounter since I have been in Kansas. Chiggers, tree mites and fleas. Chiggers are in the grass here and so that is why you don't lay on the lawns here. When you get bit it makes you itch like crazy! Thank goodness for my essential oils they help a lot.  It is starting to get colder so we do not have the problems as much now. Fleas they tell me are in the grass also but I don't know if that is true. Everyone seems to have dogs when we go visiting which we do for usually 3 or so hours a day.  Tree mites fall from the trees when the wind blows and they bite you also. The last couple of weeks I don't seem to have a itching spot on my body which is very unusual.
There are also bed bugs one of the Elders here was cover in bite which was driving him crazy. They had to come in and spray but he was miserable for a couple of weeks.

Friday, November 6, 2015


We had LouAnn over for dinner and spent a wonderful couple of hours learning a little about her life she is a friend to Sister Cochrane and me.